“Well Made Here” attends HOME HARDWARE’S Market for the second time this year
For the second time this year, from September 22nd to 24th, “Well Made Here” attended the Market organized by Home Hardware as an exhibitor. The goal was to raise the awareness of the purpose of the new program among dealers and exhibiting suppliers, and to discuss the benefits for each.

“Well Made Here” representatives Audrey Dagenais and Célie Cournoyer, respectively director of development and services for manufacturers and director of operations, welcomed by Landon Hall, Merchandise Coordinator LBM Millwork from Home Hardware.
Some 40 of the now 106 participating manufacturers were among the exhibitors, most of whom proudly displayed “Well Made Here” (www.ici-here.ca) branding at their booth.
According to Audrey Dagenais, Director of Development and Manufacturer Services, the participating manufacturers are pleased with the initiative for which they have high expectations. “Most know that consumers want traceability, information and local,” said Ms. Dagenais who, along with colleagues, intends to boost the presence of manufacturers.
For her part, Célie Cournoyer, who was mainly assigned to welcoming Home Hardware dealers at the booth, was pleasantly surprised that more than half the 50 or so who stopped to chat with her were generally aware of the new program. “That said, I often needed to point out that the Well Made Here program is not simply about helping manufacturers stand out.” She took the time to explain the benefits of positioning their store as destinations where customers can find both quality and quantity of accredited products.”
Here are some of the participating manufacturers displaying their support of the ‘Well Made Here” program

Each fall, the immense Distribution Centre in St. Jacobs, Ontario, where Home Hardware’s Head Office is located, is converted into a trade show venue for a few days to host thousands of dealers from all across Canada.

Drolet, manufacturer of woodstoves and pellet stoves customized their booth for the occasion. On the picture : Olivier Langis, Robin Hemming and Martin Aubé.

The team from Amherst Mouldings, comprised of Ben Sotuyo, Micah Gingrich and Carl Lamb, proudly posed with their table-top “Well Made Here” banner.

Jean-François Boulanger and Luc Brossard from Garaga were pleased to show Audrey Dagenais the large labels they purchased to identify their products. They were even generous enough to offer a few to fellow program participants in booths close by who arrived without any “Well Made Here” branding to accompany their displays.

Polytarp had a multitude of products on display, including their O.N.G.C. Super-Six vapor guard, a “Well Made Here” product. We recognize their representatives, Roy Quast and Marty Benkiel.

Dianne Smith, Gilles Lemay and Dan McDevitt from Isolofoam, manufacturer of several insulation products for the residential market.

King Packaged Materials, which markets its cement mix products using the Sakrete brand, is represented by Elise, Andrew and Alex.

Glen Noseworthy from Insulfloor, manufacturer of subflooring and attic hatches in Canada.