Local buying is percolating in several flasks which will need to be connected
There is a proliferation of programs promoting local buying. Countries, regions, municipalities, even neighbourhoods are more local than their neighbours. “Well Made Here”, does not intend to position itself as a competitor. Approaching these different initiatives as various anchoring opportunities seems to be a positive stance to adopt.
For example, the Minister of Economy, Lucie Lecours, accompanied by the division responsible for provincial purchasing and economic development, Achat québécois et développement économique d’Investissement Québec, are setting up a program distinct from Le Panier Bleu, this time aimed at certifying products, in any category as being actually manufactured in whole or in part in Quebec.
The “Well Made Here” team is consulted on the project and does not hide from the Quebec authorities that it will offer its genuine support so that as many manufacturers as possible from La Belle Province participate in the future program, which should be announced next spring.

In the wake of Black Friday, the Quebec government launched its new Achetons québécois TV ad.
“We are also continuing to collect information on the sums invested by provincial public administrations to support Aliments du Québec, Le Panier Bleu, Ontario Made, New Brunswick Excellence and more,” reveals Célie Cournoyer, director of operations for “Well Made Here”. “We intend to leverage the support obtained from organizations with similar missions in order to legitimize the amounts we will be requesting at the federal level,” explains Ms. Cournoyer.
Does the fact that slogans and programs multiply contain a risk of pollution and confusion? The question need not be raised as the answer is obvious.
This is why representations made by the “Well Made Here” team to the various players on the local buying scene consist in ensuring that the descriptions of the claimed accreditations are precise. The repetition of messages encouraging local buying will be beneficial to the extent that what is presented as a local product respects a set framework and criteria.
“Well Made Here” has its specific niche, that of only accommodating products made in Canada, intended for residential buildings and meeting construction standards and codes. This is our USP, our Unique Selling Proposition. And we have to stick to it,” insists Ms. Cournoyer.

Showcasing products classified according to their origin has even reached Amazon. For example, the Made in France boutique that was launched this year and is hosted on Amazon, offers French products ranging from fashion to beauty, including kitchen and home items, groceries and beverages, games and toys, office supplies, gardening, DIY, clothing, etc.