In its special edition on the predictions of industry leaders, Home Improvement Retailer Magazine asked the CEO of “Well Made Here”, Richard Darveau, six questions. Here are his answers.
Founded in 1987, Evolution Structures offers design and manufacturing services for walls, roof trusses, and floor joists working with standard and customized models.
If the price of a product drives reason when choosing a product, five other motivations are gaining ground in the eyes of the new consumer who will be described as post-pandemic, in particular the need to know the origin of the products.Read more
With Christmas and gift shopping on the horizon, the team at “Well Made Here” has launched a movement in favor of buying local hardware items and building materials to put under the Christmas tree.
Yesterday, in 2018, “Well Made Here” program was born. Has the program really reached the biological milestone expected of a four-year-old seedling? Has the health crisis delayed its development? Richard Darveau, President and CEO, answers the question frankly.