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    Canadian product sales expected to increase by the end of 2020

    Even before the advent of Covid-19, the “Well Made Here” program aimed to increase the visibility of accredited products in a variety of ways. While the unexpected arrival of the pandemic adds complexity to the situation, it also lends itself as an opportunity to promote quality products made here and to stimulate the economy.Read more

    The first specialized “Well Made Here” renovation centres

    Initially, we wanted to start with two points of sale. Because of a more pronounced interest, which is very encouraging, there will be five participants in the pilot which will be used to verify a theory: if a business makes efforts to position itself as a destination for quality products manufactured in Canada, will it benefit? And by extension, will this help its banner and its suppliers? Taking the notion even further, will this be perceived positively by its customers, consumers and professionals alike?Read more

    Online shop for “Well Made Here” branding

    The “Well Made Here” team has completed the setup of the online store where a host of items are offered, designed to attract, inform, in short, stimulate the interest of consumers and / or contractors so that they may then buy products that are “Well Made Here” in hardware stores and renovation centres across Canada.Read more

    Daring quality the dominant focus of the APCHQ’s work

    At the APCHQ convention on October 18th, Richard Darveau promoted “Well Made Here” in front of contractors.  The purchase of goods with responsible critieria, such as solidarity with locally manufactured materials and which surpass the minimum standards established by building codes mean that more and more APCHQ certified contractors will promote the program.Read more