“Well Made Here” (WMH) management’s proposal has truly caught the attention of the National Hardware Show’s (NHS) promoters who are beginning to storyboard the event with two other major shows (KBIS and IBS) under one roof (Vegas) on the same date (January 31 to February 2, 2023). What does the pitch consist of? Make Canada one of the major attractions of a new international event on which rests the hopes of the entire hardware and materials community to revive the popularity of face-to-face fairs. What is the pitch? Make Canada one of the major attractions of a new international event on which rests the hopes of the entire hardware and materials community to revive the popularity of in-person attendance at such events.
Thanks to a new partnership with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), beginning May 1, 2022, all eligible manufacturers and buying groups that are part of “Well Made Here” (WMH) have access to services, advice and savings programs from the largest employer group in the country. The political positioning effort pursued by WMH management will also be facilitated through membership with this organization which already represents 95,000 SMEs.
Millenium, a national manufacturing agent and distributor of roofing and building envelope components, has just joined “Well Made Here” as part of its plans t to expand its reach in the residential sector.Read more
One plus one can equal three. Everyone in business knows this, if each of the partner organizations adds value for the benefit of their member companies. This is where the interests of the Well Made Here (WMH) program and those of the mighty Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) have intersected.Read more
A bilingual student from John Abbott College in Montreal joints the team for the month of April completing a practicum as a support agent for participating manufacturers.Read more