• FR
  • Global Dec-k-ing Systems

    Global Dec-k-ing Systems

    DEC-K-ING V-KOTE TEK - Stonehedge, Sandpebble, Baltic, Fawn, Sandy Pearl

    Brand Name:

    Global V-Kote Teck

    Short description:

    Using V-KOTE TEK will substantially reduce the chances of a project failure. Over 90% of leaks that occur are due to faulty installations. PVC membranes rarely fail, because they are manufactured in a factory under controlled conditions and established standards. However, waterproofing details such as corners, posts, pillars, doors, drains, scuppers, overflows and railings are always left to fabricate on site. Many of these details are difficult, premade
    from pieces of vinyl...

    Manufactured at:
    Surrey, BC

    This line of products has obtained the following certifications:


    This accredited line of products meets the following public standards and building code rules:

    Available at these partner retailers